Monday 26 January 2009

A long overdue update

So, unless this little blog is the only contact you have ever had with me, you will know that I have been a little busy. You see, I kinda got started on '#1 Have a baby' earlier than planned, which, as well as changing my priorities, has thrown the list into some chaos, since there are now things that I know I will not achieve - some because the opportunity has passed, others because I no longer consider them possibilities with a baby to take into account. That said though, I have actually managed to accomplish a few things off the list and will be updating as and when I get the opportunity (ie, when, like now, the baby is sleeping).
I considered going through and changing the list, but I've decided to leave it as is, do my best to accomplish what I still can and to document everything, even those things I've missed - even if no-one else finds it interesting, I will. Besides, I'm over 2/3 the way through time-wise, so it seems silly to change it now.

1 comment:

Graeme said...

I find it interesting and you can do a new list once this one is complete with a new set of "with kids" centric goals.